Excerpt: The Littlest Shadow

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The young mover stepped into the kitchen nook from the garage, and introduced himself to the family’s daughter. The chubby girl was still in her pink and green nightgown, accessorized with her trusty snow boots and scarf. She was accompanied by her favorite dolly whose face had been upgraded to purple with all the possible ink from some unfortunate marker. The girl tapped a plump hand on a particular box, her saucer eyes trained on the college boy in workwear.

“Is that one ready to go?” he asked with a smile, charmed by the tiny siren.

She pushed her dolly against the box and slid it down the side onto the tile floor, apparently indicating that dolly has approved it for loading at this time. He picked up the box and swung around to haul it out as a cool blade swept across his neck. The baby girl crouched, looking up at him, and backward-crawled under the dining table as the life faded from his eyes. The box dropped on its corner and some glassware crunched inside. The college boy’s body folded to the floor, deflated by the gape in his throat. Little fingers reached out from under the table and dragged the dolly out of the flow of  the boy’s blood.

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